Object search

Quick Search

By use of the button Quick search the corresponding quick search dialog can be opened.

Button: Quick Search, Advanced Search

Search procedure

The Quick Search is used to quickly find Conigma™ Changes or SAP transport requests.

Changes are searched by their IDs or by description. If the search string contains wildcards (+ or *), the system searches by description only.

Transport requests are only searched by transport request number. This must not be entered using wildcards. Tasks within transports are not covered by the quick search.

Further information

The quick search always takes place in the standard repository of the user. If there is more than one repository, the standard repository can be changed by choosing "Repository Browser -> Change default repository".

The search algorithm can be adapted to customer-specific requirements in the customizing function. The views in which the search results are to be displayed are also customized.

Conigma CCM provides a powerful search tool for extensive tasks. Via the drop-down menu Edit → Find object or the button Find object you get to the corresponding search dialog.

The following fields are available:


Preassigned by the current repository

Object type

Basically you can search for all existing object types in Conigma CCM, if they are stored persistently in the database.  For the sake of clarity, however, the quantity of items displayed in the drop-down selection menu for this field is usually restricted by customizing. You can define a default value for this field in Customizing.

Internal ID

Alphanumeric: For the object type CTS: Change Request, the request number of the SAP transport assigned by the SAP Transport Management System is stored here. This number can be found on the CTS (Request) tab page in the CTS Object ID field.The field is also used for other object types (for example, as a unique ID for a status, but is usually only relevant for administrators).

Depending on Customizing and object type, a different name can also be displayed for this field.

External ID

Alphanumeric: Usually maintained for objects created using the SOAP API (for example, a change created using an external helpdesk system). The external ID then serves as a common reference for both systems - Conigma CCM and the external helpdesk.

Depending on Customizing and object type, a different name can also be displayed for this field.

Object ID

10-digit numeric ID of an object, unique within a repository for the corresponding object type. This number can be displayed via the tab page Generalm (last 10 digits of field Unique ID). This number is assigned by Conigma CCM when creating a new object.


Description of the object in the General tab. The search is performed for all languages maintained.


Any complex expression that can be interpreted by Conigma can be entered here. You will find examples of this further down in the search examples.

Search criterion

This area allows you to search for partner functions and for index fields defined in customizing. This means, for example, that for the object types SWFM: Change and CTS: Change request the individual search criterions can be combined using logical operators (AND / OR Radio button to the right above the search criteria table).

Use the button Update hit list to create / modify the hit list. The new / updated hit list is automatically displayed in the Repositoray Browser tree structure under the node.

 Search results if the Pin hitlist checkbox is selected.

All fields displayed above are indexed so that a high-performance search can take place.

Exception: You cannot access an index for the evaluation of expressions, which is why it is recommended to restrict the index as far as possible using the other search criteria.

Search examples

Change No. 577

In the example above, the object type SWFM: Change and the object ID assigned by Conigma CCM (=577) are specified.

Changes with the string "Document" in the description

In the example above, the object type SWFM: Change and the above search string embedded in wildcards were entered. Conigma CCM always uses all maintained languages of the respective Changes for the search.

Changes in which John Developer is involved as developer and which are in the status interval from development to testing.

In the above example, SWFM: Change was selected as the object type, the developer with object ID 717 (= John Developer) was conveniently selected using the search help.

The restriction to the above-mentioned status interval was made via the expression

object_state_cache > '0010' and object_state_cache <= '0040' 

where 0010 is the internal ID of the status In development (and 0040 the internal ID of the status In test).

All SAP transport requests that have not yet released

In the example above, CTS: Change Request was selected as the object type. The restriction to the SAP transport requests that have not yet been exported was made using the expression

cts_status ='D'

that refers to the data element TRSTATUS of the SAP transport request (D, L, O, R, N).

Search references

For each object in the results list, you can use the context menu option Search references to find and select the object in the tree structure (Note: since the corresponding subtrees must be instantiated completely here, a long runtime may be possible).

Via the menu item Static references

you get to a display with all assigned objects.

The iteration depth can be set using the selection keys in block Range of the reference search. The checkbox Consider only references saved in database restricts the object search to actual parent and child objects, otherwise assignments made with the help of fields (for example Release or Responsible user for a change) are taken into account.