
Adaption of the licence tables 

Enter the SID of the target system of the system copy in the /GAL/QCP_LICENSE table. In current versions a license key is also required. You can obtain this from your contact person.

System selection 

It is strongly recommended to run QCopy on the development system (the maintenance line). This ensures the best performance and greatest stability, as all necessary development data is available locally.


In order to be able to execute QCopy quickly after a system copy, the internal caches should be filled. To do this, report /GAL/QCP_FILL_CACHES should be scheduled weekly on the installation system (see system selection). The first run of this report can take a very long time (>48h) for large queues, from the second run the run times are shorter (generally < 30min).

Copy source (SID): e.g. SID of the productive system Produktivsystems

Copy target (SID): e.g. SID of the quality system


  • Reference date: Date by which the precalculation should be taken into account (RECOMMENDED to avoid huge runtime)

  • System copy date: Date of the last system copy

Checkbox: if the last delta reimport also took place with QCopy, this date can be used. QCopy uses the reference date of the last system copy.

Please note: if the caches are not filled, the entire runtime is required when QCopy is executed.

Assign QCopy role 

If Basis users with the authorization SAP_ALL are used, no assignment of the QCopy role is necessary. Otherwise, the user executing QCopy must be assigned the role /GAL/QCP_CONIGMA_QCOPY on the development system. This ensures that the user has the necessary rights. This role must also be assigned to the user with which the imports are to be performed in the QA system.