Upload of TMS object filter rule sets


To minimise the maintenance effort for extensive rule sets in TMS object filters, the upload program with the name /GAL/CCM_ADMTOOLS_TMSFILT_UPL is available. The program reads rule sets from a text file and saves them after a check and transformation in the specified TMS object filter. No rule entries are inserted or overwritten if an error occurs during the validation of the upload file.

The selection screen includes the following fields.  

Parameter name


Default value


Repository ID


User-specific standard repository

Internal object ID of a Conigma repository.  

TMS Object filter ID


Internal ID of a TMS object filter from the specified repository.



Path and name of the upload file.

File delimiter


Semicolon (in characters: ";") 

The character used to separate the values in the upload file.

Source system of objects


Optional specification of a system ID for the existence check of objects included in the upload file. If the parameter does not contain a value, the system searches for the objects in the current system. The existence check does not take place if the parameter "Ignore missing objects" is set in the selection screen.  

File with header


Indicator set

Indicates whether the upload file contains a header line. The header line contains technical field names that are used to assign the values. For details on the technical field names, see the section "Type and Structure of the Upload File" on this page.

Ignore missing objects


Indicator set 

If the indicator is set, the system does not check the existence of the objects from the upload file in the specified source system. 

Overwrite TMS object filter


Indicator set

Existing entries in the specified TMS object filter are overwritten if the indicator is set.

Collect sub objects


Indicator set 

If this indicator is set, dependent subobjects of overall objects are collected automatically. If it is a rule for a Customizing object or a view or view cluster maintenance, dependent tables are automatically collected if an asterisk "*" has been entered as the table key.

Wildcards object search


Indicator set 

For pattern-based object entries with wildcards, this indicator causes the system to search for objects in the specified source system using the pattern. If no objects are found and the indicator "Ignore Missing Objects" is not set, the upload terminates with an error message.

Correct special characters


Indicator set

This indicator causes invalid characters to be automatically removed from object names. If the indicator is not set, the upload terminates automatically if invalid characters are entered in object names. The check affects the fields with the names "OBJNAME", "KEY_OBJNAME", "MASTERNAME" and "VIEWNAME".

Default setings for table keys


No standard rule

Using the "Allow table kesy" or "Deny table keys" options, a default rule is automatically created that either allows or disallows all key entries.

Default settings for SAP objects


No standard rule

Using the "Allow objects" or "Deny objects" options, a default rule is automatically created that either allows or disallows all objects.

Type and structure of the upload file

The upload program expects a plain text file with the following structure.  

  • Individual values are separated by a delimiter, such as a semicolon.  

  • For automatic assignment, the first line contains the technical field names or values in the following order: 

    • Type of rule (technical fieldname: "RULE_TYPE")

    • Program ID of object entry (technical fieldname: "PGMID")

    • Type of object entry (technical fieldname: "OBJECT")

    • Name of object entry (technical fieldname: "OBJNAME")

    • Program ID of the corresponding key entry (technical fieldname: "KEY_PGMID")

    • Type of the corresponding key entry (technical fieldname: "KEY_OBJECT")

    • Name of the corresponding key entry (technical fieldname: "KEY_OBJNAME")

    • Type of the object entry (technical fieldname: "MASTERTYPE")

    • Name of the object entry (technical fieldname: "MASTERNAME")

    • Rule description (technical fieldname: "TEXT")

  • For pattern-based value specifications, an asterisk can be used as a replacement character. The characters %, + or regular expressions are currently not supported.

The following screenshot shows an example upload file with header line: 

Using the Upload Template 

An Excel template can also be used to create an upload file, which can be downloaded.

Columns with grey headings are optional and columns with orange headings must be filled in. If the template is filled in according to your wishes, the content of the upload file is located in column P, which needs to be copied to a text file which can be uploaded by the program.  

Derivation of Sub objects 

As already mentioned, rules for a complete object can be derived automatically to its sub objects. A complete object is an object with the program ID "R3TR", for example, an ABAP report, and a sub object is an object with the program ID "LIMU", for example, report texts.

Example: The upload file contains the rule to forbid the report "/GAL/CCM_ADMTOOLS_TMSFILT_UPL" (program ID = "R3TR", object type = "PROG"). If the program exists in the specified source system and the indicator "Collect sub objects" is set on the selection screen, three additional rules would be created to forbid the associated report source (program ID = "LIMU", object type = "REPS"), the associated report texts (program ID = "LIMU", object type = "REPT") and the associated screen (program ID = "LIMU", object type = "DYNP").

A similar derivation takes place for table entries from the maintenance of views or view clusters or Customizing. Here, the corresponding tables are collected and separate rules are created. However, this derivation is only possible if a "*" is set as the value for the table key.

Example: The upload file contains a rule to forbid table entries from the maintenance of the view cluster "ARCHIVE" for customizing archiving objects. The entry contains the values PGMID = "R3TR", OBJECT = "CDAT", OBJNAME = "ARCHIVE" and TABKEY = "*". If the "Collect sub objects" indicator is set, rules are automatically created to forbid table entries for the corresponding tables ARCH_CTXT, ARCH_DEF, ARCH_DELE, etc..