Read system data

The checkbox "Lock while reading" controls whether the import queue of the system should be locked directly when reading.

It is strongly recommended that you lock the queue while reading, unless there are restrictions on transport availability or similar. Otherwise, the queue can also be locked after it has been read, as long as no changes have been made since the queue was read. 
The reading of the system data is started via the button "Read system data".

An error message may appear in a popup during the reading process. This error message is displayed if QCopy crashed during the last delta import. It is recommended to use the emergency backup state and to continue with the "Yes" button on the popup. 

After the reading, the delta queue is displayed. 

If the "System copy date" was specified and the parameter CONSIDER_NEW_REF_SYS_IMPORTS is set, the new imports of the reference system (post import) are also calculated and displayed in a separate window at the end of the screen.