Delta queue

After the button "Read system data" has been pressed, QCopy determines the delta queue. This process may take some time. The following dialogue appears after the reading process:

It shows the delta queue in tabular form. One line corresponds to a transport request which was lost by the system copy. The triangular symbol in the first column indicates whether a transport request is contained in the delta queue. If this symbol is blue, the transport request is in the delta queue. Otherwise, the corresponding transport request is excluded.

The symbol in the second column indicates why a transport is included or excluded:

  • Different import status: the transport request is included, because it was imported into the system to be adjusted, but not into the source system of the system copy

  • Overtaker: a previous delta transport request overwrites contents of an already imported transport request due to an overlap. The overwritten transport request must therefore be imported again so that the software status remains correct (overtake check)

There can be several reasons for excluded transport requests:

  • it is a SAP transport request

  • the content of a separate transport overlaps with an SAP transport

  • the transport contains a SAP R3TR NOTE

  • the transport is missing in the import queue of the reference system

Apart from the first two columns, the other columns are taken from the extended display of the import queue in the STMS.