Schedule caching report

To be able to run QCopy quickly after a system copy, the internal caches should be filled. To do this, the following report should be run on the installation system (see System selection) /GAL/QCP_FILL_CACHES should be scheduled on a weekly basis. The first run of this report can take a very long time (>48h) for large queues, from the second run onwards the run times are then low (generally < 30min).

  • Copy source (SID): e.g. SID of the production system

  • Copy target (SID): e.g. SID of the quality system


  • Reference date: Date up to which the precalculation is to be taken into account.

  • System copy date: Date of the last system copy

Checkbox: if the last queue rebuild also took place with QCopy, this date can be used. QCopy takes the reference date of the last system copy.

Please note: if the caches are not filled, the whole runtime will occur when QCopy is executed.