Approvals tab
The Approvals tab provides detailed information for pending or already executed approvals.
The following table describes the individual fields of the tab.
Process | All Changes in a repository usually run through one and the same process instance. For some customers, however, different processes are interlinked. This applies, for example, to customers with a comprehensive template development process that then branches into country-specific delivery processes, for example. |
State | Status of the Change in the process |
Approval status | The Approval Status table displays the details for the currently open approval process. If no approval is defined in the process in the current status, an empty table is displayed. The column "State" uses an icon to indicate whether the corresponding approval has already been granted (green square), is still open (yellow triangle), or an error situation has been detected (red lightning). The "Type" column provides information as to whether the current approval is a multi-level approval in which all change request partners of a certain or several partner roles must approve. If a person is displayed as a symbol, this is a single-level approval and two persons are a multi-level approval. The group of persons who can issue an approval is displayed in the "Approval object" column. Valid objects are individual users, user groups, or SAP authorizations. If an approval has been granted, the name of the approver is displayed in the "Approved by" column. The "Information" column provides the following context-dependent information:
The "Display approvals for current object status only" option hides permissions granted in previous states. If the option is unchecked, all approvals, including those from previous object states, are displayed.