Working with nested user groups

Functional scope 

It is possible to assign not only Conigma users to a Conigma user group, but also other user groups. The members of a user group that is assigned to another user group are implicitly members of the parent user group.

The following example scenario shows the use of nested user groups. In a repository, the following three Change Request types "Type1", "Type2" and "Type3" are defined. For each type, there is a user group that allows a user to create a Change Request of that type. If there should also be a group of users who are allowed to create change requests of each type, this group can be assigned to the groups for the individual types.

Assignment via nested user groups

To assign one user group to another, only the menu item "Add user group" must be selected from the context menu on a user group. In a further dialogue listing all user groups, one or more user groups to be assigned can then be selected.

Cancle assignment via nested user groups

To remove a user group from a parent user group, right-click on the user group to open the context menu and select the menu item "Remove from parent object" can be selected.