Return code Prediction

In Conigma, you have the possibility to get a prediction on the return code of the import of Changes.

Conigma can predict the most common reasons for Returncode 8 (import error). Among these are missing objects (classes, function modules, DDIC definitions) and objects in the wrong version (wrong method signature/function signature/DDIC definition).

The prediction can be automatically triggered via process steps or via tree actions.

The prediction results can influence the way a Change takes through the process.

The feature presents itself as an additional tab for each object type in the Repository Browser that deals with transport requests (CTS Request, Change Request, Release, Project Structure, …).

Once activated, the new tab will first look as follows:

Note: The name of the tab can be specified in the Conigma Customizing and is therefore editable in the configuration of the repository.

To start the first execution, switch on the editing mode and open the run control pop-up with the button “Run control“ in the upper right corner:

In this pop-up, you will see the relevant steps of the Delivery Matrix (which delivery matrix is used, must be configured through an expression in the customizing of the Conigma object). Here are multiple options available to you:

  1. Each line of the table correspond to an import step of the delivery matrix involved. The transport assigned to the current Conigma object are considered.
    Each line has three buttons:

    1. The first button with the “I” icon will open a additional pop-up showing the messages from the last job.

    2. The second button “Run” starts a new job that will run in the background and overwrite current results if any once the execution concludes successfully.

    3. The third button “Delete run data” deletes any results for this step in the database.

  2. In the bottom right corner of the pop-up, you will find two buttons for global actions that are executed for all steps at once:

    1. the button “Run all” starts a job for each of the steps visible in the table

    2. the button “Delete all” deletes all results from previous run in the database for each of the steps visible in the table

Note: If you opened the pop-up while in display mode, none of the buttons will be visible except for the information inline button.

Once executed jobs have found possible conflicts, you will find the results displayed as table in the tab.

You also have the possibility to configure a set of expressions in the customizing of the Conigma objects to enable email notifications when a job is concluded. That can be useful when executing a return code prediction on an object involving a lot of SAP objects and the execution time is expected to be long.

The result table looks as below:

In the table, the information is organized as follows:

  • the first column provides a quick status icon to inform you if an action is needed before importing.

  • the following columns informs about

    • which import steps is relevant for the warning,

    • which transport request is involved,

    • whether this transport request belongs to a change, multiple changes or, in rare case, no change at all

    • which object presents a problem

    • which other object is missing and needs to be included in the import to avoid a error during the import

    • which transport request and/or change request contains that missing object

  • The severity icon is either yellow or red. Yellow for warnings red for errors (expected return code 8 / runtime error).

  • The Status columns tells you what kind of problem has been found. In our example, the conflict “Only in source“ means that the checked object Z_STPI_TEST references multiple objects that are missing in the target system, which would cause an RC8 or runtime errors.

  • The user action column allows you to change the value from “Pending” to “Ignore conflict” when you fixed the problem, changing the status icon in the first column of the table from red to green.