Maintaining Webhooks

What are webhooks?

Webhooks definitions are for maintaining REST interface calls between your Conigma CCM installation and external tools or Middlewares (like Conigma Connect).

Depending on the types of objects (Changes, Releases, …) that are connected an external tool, you can configure the webhook connections on the corresponding object type inside the Conigma Repository Browser.

Configuring a webhook

Where is it?

Open your Repository Browser, go the “Configuration” folder (accessible only to users with administration rights) and open the “Object Types” folder. There you will find all the the types of object types that are used by Conigma CCM. Select the object type for which you want to configure a webhook and go to the “Webhook definitions” tab.

Detailed view

In this example, we will configure webhooks for the “SWFM: Change Request” object type which is most commonly linked to an external tool. There are already two connections available with their name and the URI that is used to contact Jira / FreshService via Conigma Connect in this example. Double click on one webhook to see a more thorough view of the connection’s details.

Read-only mode

The detailed view consists of 3 main blocks:

  • General

    • Id: Technical id generated automatically when create an entry in the table (cannot be edited)

    • Name: Name of the connection (for easily identifying it)

    • Description: Description of the connection

  • Connection

    • URI: URI to the external server

    • Username & Password: Login information to use when connecting to the external server. The password has three different states. initial if the password is empty, entered if the password was changed but not yet saved, saved if there is a password

    • SSL Id: Id of the HTTPS client from the Trust manager (accessible through the transaction STRUST)

  • Configuration

    • Active: If checked, the connection is active and can be used to connect to external tools. Note that even if the connection is active, it can be suppressed by the filter expression below.

    • Create / Update / Delete: What kind of actions will trigger this connection: creating an new object in Conigma CCM, updating values of an object or deleting an existing object

    • Error Handling: Behavior when encountering an error. There are three possibilities:

      • Continue: just continue as if nothing happened, without logging an error in the system.

      • Throw Exception: stop the execution and pass the error to the GUI.

      • Add to queue: Not yet implemented. Reserved for future use.

    • Filter expression: Expression where the result must be ‘True’ or ‘False’ which determines if the connection is relevant to be used depending on the context of the call

Edit mode

When entering the edit mode with the “Edit” button in the footnote of the tab, you have the possibility to edit all fields with two exceptions:

  • the technical id cannot be changed

  • the password can only be changed by clicking the small icon button next to the field. A pop-up with a special password mask will come up for you to change the password.

There are also now five buttons:

  • Create new entry: Visible even when the detailed view is not, add a new webhook to the table.

  • Up / Down: Select a line in the table and move it up or down

  • Delete: Delete the current webhook visible in the detailed view

  • Apply: Apply the changes to the webhook, allowing you to view an another webhook without losing your changes