Import time estimation

With the help of the report /GAL/CCM_ESTIMATE_IMP_DURATION you can comfortably estimate the import duration of transports in advance. The report can be run both in dialogue and in the background. Due to the duration of the data determination, it may be advisable to run the report in the background.

The selection of the transports is done either

  • by selecting a Conigma object (in this case the transport list is determined automatically)

  • by a manual list of transports

To determine the import duration, the TMS data is determined, which can take a little longer. If you want to run several tests in a row in the same environment, you can skip this determination.

In the example above, the import container with the object ID 2032 was selected.

The selected object contained 12 transports. In addition to the estimated import time of each individual transport, they also see the total time of all transports.

Repository ID: The repository used to determine the import data.

Radiobutton Repository Objects: Here the transports are automatically determined from the specified Conigma object.

Object Type: Selection of a Conigma object, e.g. import container or change request or release.
Object ID: Object ID of the selected type.

Radiobutton Manual list: If this option is selected, a list of transports is expected.

You can enter the transports manually or conveniently load them from a file via the corresponding icon (3rd from the right).

When the report is executed in the background, the input parameters are also output in the spool.

Skip data collection: No new TMS data is collected and the existing data is used. This greatly reduces the runtime, but can lead to less accurate results. If executed several times in succession, the parameter can be set without problems from the second run on wards.