ChaRM configuration (REST API for Solution Manager)

The ChaRM configuration of the Solution Manager Addon for Conigma Connect can be called via transaction /GAL/SM_CHARM_CONFIG.

Within the configuration the following settings can be made:

Definition of the GenIL components used

GenIL is a generic integration layer that provides access to business logic of a business object. The menu item "Used BO Components and Sets" is used to define the components and component sets that are to be loaded when the GenIL interface is initialized. The content of the table is predefined and should be sufficient for most integration scenarios. In the delivery state, only the component set "BT" is activated for use. The model for a component or a component set can be displayed via the GENIL_MODEL_BROWSER transaction.

Proxy implementation classes

In ChaRM there are different implementation classes for different object types such as change request or change document, which can have different names depending on the Solution Manager release used. Under this menu item you can assign the currently used implementation classes to an object type.

The implementation class per transaction type can be viewed in table TSOCM_PROXY_IMPL.

SAP standard fields

In the "SAP standard fields" view, additional fields can be defined that are to be available via the REST API of the Solution Manager addon. As a prerequisite, the field in the GenIL model of the component set BT must be related to the access object "BTAdminH".

The following three fields must be filled in the view:

  • Key: The technical field name of the field to be accessed.

  • Path: The path to the field in the GenIL Model Browser starting from the access object "BTAdminH". Individual relations must be separated by a dot (In character ".")

  • Transaction type filter: The transaction type for which the field should be available or a list of transaction types separated by a semicolon (In character ";").

Example: You want an external reference number to be stored in the "PO_NUMBER_SOLD" field. In the transaction GENIL_MODEL_BROWSER you can determine that the field can be accessed via the relationship "BTHeaderSalesSet" to the access object "BTAdminH".

Accordingly, in the view the value "PO_NUMBER_SOLD" (without quotes) must be entered as key and in the path the string "BTAdminH.BTHeaderSalesSet" (without quotes). As a filter you can define the transaction types for which the field should be available, e.g. "ZMMJ;ZMCR" (without quotes).

Final business transactions

In this view you can define the business transactions with the help of which a ChaRM object is set to its final status. The table contains the entry "FINI" in the delivery state. If this transaction changes with a release upgrade, the new transaction can be included in this table.