ALM Summit APJ 2023 - Common Features of Conigma Connect Express and Conigma Connect

Video from 10/17/2023

In this video recorded at the ALM Summit APJ 2023 in Bengaluru, Malte Klassen, CEO of the Galileo Group, explains common features of Conigma Connect and the new Express Edition when integrating SAP Cloud ALM with external products such as Jira, ServiceNow, or Azure DevOps.

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Malte Klassen presents on SAP ALM Summit APJ 2023
Malte Klassen presents on SAP ALM Summit APJ 2023

Conigma Connect Express uses the same integrated workflow engine as Conigma Connect in the Standard Edition; adapters and APIs are generated, and transactional integrity is ensured. An upgrade from the Express Edition to the Standard Edition is possible at any time without data loss.