DevSync Overview


Conigma DevSync is a solution to synchronize parallel development systems or developments on parallel system lines.

A synchronization effectively always takes place from a source system to a target system. The source system does not necessarily have to be a development system, it can also be a QA or production system belonging to a development system. However, the target system is normally always the development system of a parallel system rail. DevSync answers the question of which [sub]objects were only changed in the development of the synchronization source or only in the synchronization target and which were changed in the source and target. 

With DevSync, any set of objects, for example a change or a release, can be synchronized.

There are 4 different constellations regarding object changes:

  • Objects only changed in the synchronization source can be transferred directly to the synchronization target with DevSync via transport of copies.

  • No synchronization is necessary for objects that were only changed in the target.

  • Objects that were changed in source and target are marked as conflicts by DevSync and must be merged manually.

  • Synchronization is not necessary for objects that have not been changed in either the source or target.


An example setup which is frequently used is illustrated in the following figure:

This example consists of a maintenance line (Release n) and a project development line (Release n+1). Completed maintenance developments are synchronized to the project development line via DevSync after transport to production. This ensures that all necessary bug fixes are also in the next release for the later release cut-over.

DevSync is available as stand-alone GUI and integrated into the Conigma CCM Repository Browser.

The following is a simple example with a conflict object (Report Z_DS_CONFLICT) and a conflict-free object (Report Z_DS_NO_CONFLICT):

View in the Repository Browser:

Stand alone view:

In the example, the report Z_DS_NO_CONFLICT was only changed in one of the two development systems affected, so it can be transported across by DevSync without any problems.

Report Z_DS_CONFLICT was changed in both development systems in parallel, so you have to adjust it manually.