Object state in DevSync
An object synchronization in DevSync takes place on the basis of the individual objects contained in the specified set of objects (e.g. a Change).
Objects that are assembled from sub-objects are compared on the basis of their sub-objects (for example, headers, methods, and so on for a class). If all components have the same status, only the parent object is listed. If the components have different statuses, they are listed individually in the DevSync result.
The screenshots shown in this chapter show the DevSync version integrated in Conigma CCM, as this is the default use case. The standalone version behaves analogously.
Adjustment status
The adjustment status is maintained in the "Hint" column. It provides information about the adjustment status of a specific object.
Each [sub-]object can have one of the following adjustment statuses:
Object status in which no adjustment is necessary:
Identical version on source system and target system
Newer version on target system
Object status which allow automatic adjustment:
Only exists on source system
Newer version on source system
Object status in which currently no adjustment is possible:
Object is being modified on source system (open request or open task)
Is being modified on target system (open request or open task)
Object status in which a manual adjustment is necessary:
Version conflict
In addition, there are different error statuses, which provide a descriptive text.
The object statuses which allow an automatic adjustment can trigger an automatic synchronization performed by DevSync directly integrated into the Conigma CCM process.
In case of open requests or version conflicts, the user must decide how to proceed.
Processing status:
The processing status is managed in the column "Edit status". It is used to track the automatic and manual steps of a synchronization.
Each [sub-]object can have one of the following adjustment statuses:
Pending - This status is set automatically. It means that the adjustment is still to be performed. There are still manual steps to be performed.
In progress - This status can be set manually to indicate that the adjustment is currently being performed for an object. (i.e. manual merge).
Can be synchronized automatically - The object can be adjusted automatically by cross transport. This is normally done directly by Conigma DevSync.
Synchronized manually - This status can be set manually to signal that synchronization was performed manually.
No synchronization required - This status is set automatically if no adjustment is necessary.
Overwrite object on target system - This status is a special status. It is only available if it has been activated separately in Customizing. When you set this status for conflict objects, a synchronization is automatically performed for the corresponding objects when the change is saved, and conflicts in the target system are overwritten.
The adjustment status can also be edited manually. This may lead to post activities of Conigma DevSync when saving the change (see also object status "Overwrite object on target system").
Status traffic light
Looking at the status traffic light (red or green), you can easily see if there are any actions pending for an object. A red traffic light means that an object has not yet been fully synchronized.
Basically, entries with a red status traffic light must be considered separately, since manual steps are still pending. The traffic light is used for easy filtering of relevant entries.
Collected status processing
With the button "Set State" the states of several selected lines can also be edited together:
In the following popup you can select rows and perform one of two operations:
Check version - This operation performs a check on the up-to-dateness of the synchronized version. ATTENTION: This does not mean that a new DevSync adjustment is performed. It only checks if the version on the source is the same as the one on the source at the time of the DevSync run. This check can serve as an indicator of whether any follow-up activities need to be taken into account before the status is set manually.
If no change was made to the source, the status "Identical Versions" is output. If changes have been made in the meantime, one of the statuses described in the section "Adjustment Status" is output.
Apply status change - This operation performs a status change for all selected objects at the status selected in the "New Status" drop down:
ATTENTION: The status changes are only finally adopted when "Save" is clicked in the Change.